ESR 5: Tribological performance of NCC-GO polymer composites
Objectives: To investigate the potential of Nano Crystal Cellulose (NCC) and graphene-oxide (GO) composites in tribological contacts. To process and manufacture low-wear NCC+GO composites. To understand the effects of different manufacturing process and materials design on the durability of the developed composite. To understand the effect of aging and end life cycle of the NCC nano-composites.
ESR: Lucas Maximilian Kneißl (Germany)
Joining GreenTRIBOS allows me to try to work towards a reduction of fossil-based resources used in the production of engineering materials and make polymer composites more sustainable, therefore contributing to a more environmentally friendly industry.
Previous studies:
Bachelor's degree: Chemical Engineering, Hochschule Niederrhein, University of Applied Sciences, Krefeld, together with apprenticeship at Covestro AG, Germany
Master's degree: Science in Sustainable Materials – Polymer Science, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany
PhD double degree at: Luleå University of Technology & University of Ljubljana
Expected Results: In order to develop the low-wear NCC polymer composite for tribological applications, it will be necessary to introduce nano-crystalline particles as a reinforcement/additive in composites. This will improve the durability and the mechanical performance. However, first, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms and functional use of NCC and GO with a self-lubrication ability in tribological applications. The results of this study will contribute to the:
Development of green, multiphase, polymer composites for tribological applications
Influence of various additive/reinforcement on the design of durable low-friction and wear components
Understanding the real-scale mechanisms involved in solid-lubrication properties of NCC+GO to reduce wear as coating materials