ESR 11: New self-lubricating, anti-wear, corrosion-resistant coatings for reducing lubricant consumption in mechanical parts
Objectives: To study the static friction forces of polymer material groups from the base polymers up to the plastics (polymer + additives) and characterization of the contact surfaces to allow an interaction between chemical bonding types and counterpart materials. To investigate the effect of surface topography on static friction for different surface finishes of the mould (machined, polished or textured). To understand the surface adhesion mechanisms and consequently to propose different surface treatments, in particular coatings deposition, to decrease the problems also by the laboratory testing of static friction in different surface-finished coated materials. In-service testing of the coatings solutions in an industrial environment, with some selected moulds coated, and testing in real conditions.
ESR: Abqaat Naseer (Pakistan)
Driven by the immense potential of tribological solutions to limit global warming and climate change at large, I decided to bring in my knowledge of materials science and characterization tools towards a greener future.
Previous studies:
Bachelor's degree: Materials Science with specialisation in Surface Engineering, National University of Science and Technology, Pakistan
Master's degree: Mechanical Engineering, Univeristi Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia
PhD double degree at: University of Coimbra & University of Ljubljana
Expected Results: With the increasing use of polymer materials, technological difficulties related to each specific polymer and its interaction with counter-surface increases. Large static friction and adhesion of moulds for polymers demand use of lubricants. Thus, coatings for moulds must be tailored for use with specific polymer material and eliminate the need for a lubricant, thus decreasing the impact on the environment, which will be achieved by:
Understanding the adhesion mechanisms, the type of forces existing in the contact and determining the factors influencing the adhesion
Determination of the influence of the surface finishing on the adhesion for different polymer materials
Design of coating solutions to effectively decrease the static friction and avoid the use of lubrication